Thursday, 1 July 2010

MeeGo Running On N900

Here are some short clips of MeeGo UX running on Nokia N900, its pretty much as you saw yesterday, check the vids out after the break.


Eppu said...

Looking good! Like the new font! And those subtle menu transitions pump the value feel of the device sky high ;) Hope MeeGo will be snappier than Maemo is. Smooth and fast menus is all I ask. Also the phone features must be done better. This is phone after all? Well I make calls with it.

Ireland's Technology Blog said...

@Eppu - It looks like it will be a lighter OS than Maemo but while still doing and offering more i'd say. I know my N900 is no where near as snappy as an iPhone 3GS and yet they have the same processor.

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